Aspirated Radiation Shield
Product Number:YOUNG 43502
The Aspirated Radiation Shield provides maximum sensor protection from incoming short wave and outgoing long wave radiation
The YOUNG Model 43502 Aspirated Radiation Shield is a low cost, conservatively rated shield that protects temperature and relative humidity sensors while providing continuous ambient air flow to reduce errors from solar radiation and precipitation particularly in low wind applications. Designed with specially formulated materials for high reflectivity, low thermal conductivity, and maximum weatherability, the shield employs a triple walled intake tube and multiple canopy shades. The small shield size reduces the surface area exposed to incoming radiation during the day, significantly reducing the amount of heat that needs to be washed away from the intake tubes. Errors from outgoing radiation at night are similarly reduced. A continuous duty DC blower provides constant flow of ambient air over the sensor. A tachometer output may be used to monitor blower operation.